Welcome to The JT Children Foundation

We are a non-profit organization with moral and ethical principles and are duly legal in the United States of America and in the Republic of Guatemala. Our main purpose is to help the children of Tecpán City, its 87 villages and municipalities or departments of Guatemala, especially children and disabled people, both physically and mentally. In the Rehabilitation Center at The JT Children’s Foundation severe cases of disability have been found that have been marginalized and forgotten for generations. They are given all sorts of services, physicians, complete physiotherapy in all areas, psychology, language.

The JT Children Foundation a great dream of our founder and president, Mrs. Lily Tsimogiannis, who raised the foundation out of nothing and thank God, through the faith of the collaboration of individuals, entities such as the personal help from the founders of Zumba Fitness, Beto Perez, Alberto Perlman and Alberto Aghion who believe in causes such as this one. This dream is developing very fast and now patients have a better life and a future without limits.

Our Motto

``We can make the difference together with your help and mine``

— Lily Tsimogiannis

More information about The JT Children Foundation

There's lots of people in this world who spend so much time watching their health that they haven't the time to enjoy it.

— Beto
  • Objectives

    General Objectives

    To involve the different social sectors of the Tecpán Guatemala community with their active participation in the different areas of the center: Economic, Physical and Professional, besides the collaboration that improves the services provided.

    To assist the population of Tecpán Guatemala who lacks a special place for the disabled, providing Diagnostic, Medical and Therapy Evaluation to whoever needs to overcome their problem.

    To guide the community to help identify cases of different types of disability among the members of their family and to get them to go to the center to request the necessary help.

    To support the different productive sectors, training the disabled person to work.

    Specific Objectives

    To guide the family of the disabled in normal household activities.

    To facilitate the Therapeutic and Psychological attention of the disabled, according to their specific needs.

    To involve the disabled in communal activities, until they are integrated into the community.

    To integrate the disabled into the work of a productive society, according to their abilities and skills.

  • Background


    Globally, we work through institutions so that the disabled have the opportunity to feel useful and to enjoy a better quality of life. They can also receive education and specific attention in an appropriate environment that favors them according to their needs.

    Although there are some special care centers in Guatemala, these are not enough. They are regionalized and the families of those affected usually do not have resources, nor are they offered facilities to receive care. Added to this, the economic situation does not allow them to think about the possibility of admitting the disabled to a specialized center.

    In Tecpán Guatemala, impressive cases of disability have been found due to the lack of a Center that offers therapy and improvement in the quality of life that allows the patient and his/her family to re-join a productive society through special orientation.

    This is why JT Children’s Foundation, Inc. proposed to establish a Center that provides Specialized Medical Care to these patients, to help them in the rehabilitation of their disability, adaptation and Occupational Therapy, which will allow them to integrate into society as a productive and useful entity.

  • Step by Step

    Step by Step

    Special education is what is applied to people with disabilities. This education is differentiated, specialized and individualized. It is provided to people who, because of their physical, sensory or mental characteristics, do not adapt or progress through programs.

    Oriented and coordinated interdisciplinary actions are needed to achieve child development. We work on the basis of their possibilities and not their limitations, developing skills and abilities, promoting and strengthening personal independence, to facilitate their integration into the productive life of the community.

    The JT Children’s Foundation aims to improve the quality of life of the child and the attitude of the family to the situation, without pretending to change the beliefs and the values of their culture. Discrimination against these children and adults affected by disability must be fought. Families should receive training so that the work done with the child is reinforced at home, because we seek to integrate them into society without removing them from their own environment, interrelating them with the people outside their family.

  • Services


    • Medical Evaluation
    • Physical and psychological evaluation
    • Diagnosis
    • Treatment
    • Information and orientation workshops for the community.

    The center offers physiotherapy in the specialized area, as well as psychotherapy under strict control, since the intention is to rehabilitate, not to entertain the patient. In this work the family plays a very important role that all the members should take advantage of the patient’s progress and the continuity of some activities in their own home.

    Physical disability may limit the development of certain activities but one must take advantage of the skills and abilities of the person preparing them for a job.

    It is necessary that the patient be evaluated. The diagnosis will help to place them in the appropriate workshop to initiate their rehabilitation and training through a special and particular program.

  • Rural Communities

    Community Orientation

    Rural communities lack information about the causes of the birth of a child with impairments or disabilities. It is necessary to provide information and guide them to avoid or face such problems with quality, for the sake of the child and the home.

    The aim of this orientation is to prevent or avoid the maximum risks and also to detect and confirm cases to give them immediate and specific attention.


    Those affected must be made aware of the urgent need to initiate a specific therapy taking advantage of the moment of physical, sensorial and emotional development, to avoid the worsening of the problem.

  • Results

    Scope in the Community

    We have grown 100% in the last 6 years, we now help more than 1,764 patients.

    Multidisciplinary Care

    To date we have completed several prostheses, provided wheelchairs, walkers, canes, crutches and different equipment that patients need.

    Chats are held monthly, where training to the parents together with the patients is provided to teach them about cleanliness, hygiene and congenital diseases, among others.

    We have had different Medical Days, the Department of Physical Therapy of the Idaho State University, Pediatrics by the Pediatric Doctor Dennis O’Conner of the United States of America, Neurology and Monthly Traumatology Days.



How are we helping?

Disabled children need special attention from The JT Children’s Foundation Rehabilitation Center. We offer such care with programs that involve the entire family and community, benefiting a population and those physically and emotionally affected, in the short, medium and long term .

We are serving the population of Tecpán Guatemala and its villages/hamlets, municipalities of the Department of Chimaltenango and other departments, The Rehabilitation Center provides medical evaluation, diagnosis, different Physiotherapies, Psychology and Language Therapy that people need to overcome their problem.

In Guatemala there are some special care centers for children and elderly people with different capabilities, these are not enough. They are regionalized and the families of those affected are usually of limited resources who can not afford the cost of therapies, doctors and medication.

That is why we are here to provide absolute support in all areas that are necessary for our children and seniors. The JT Children’s Foundation Rehabilitation Center is a great light and hope for all the people who live in these places .

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